Foreign Service Institute (FSI) is an international online learning firm based in Papua New Guinea.
It is the leading Online Learning firm in the Pacific offering exciting and affordable courses for Papua New Guineans and the Pacific Islanders. Our courses are now reaching students in Australia, Asia and Europe.
Thousands have already graduated and thousands are still studying.
Our International Relations programs are offered on a separate website with students from all over the world.
Our courses are truly flexible and exciting where you can study from home, at your own time and pace. We give you the opportunity to earn qualifications that are suitable and relevant for today’s job market.
On this website, you will find information about our various course programs and how you can apply online. Our courses are are relevant and tailored towards meeting the industrial demands and the changing socio-economic trends.
We strive to be the leader in E-Learning in the region with flexible and affordable learning programs that are blended well to meeting our needs. We have innovative learning modes using E-Learning tools and cutting-edge technology.
Our courses are reviewed continuously by professors and e-Learning (curriculum) experts from International universities including the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, an international university in Japan.
FSI has affiliation and membership with some of the world’s leading Accreditation bodies including; International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) in the United States. Other international E-Learning communities including; Foreign Service Institute, LearnPress, Courseware, PolyLang, E-Learning Network and E-Learning Industry, to name a few.
We continue to forge partnership with other leading institutions in the E-Learning community by getting our courses reviewed and accredited. We also continue our membership to online libraries and database as well as improving our course materials to meeting international standards.
…learning starts at the WOMB and ends at the TOMB; learning is life-long!
“Foreign Service Institute (FSI) explores the hidden potentials in people who are capable of excelling in work or business and can prosper in life” ~ Nicholas Bierman, Cologne, Germany.
As a visitor to our website, please feel free to read and get familiarized with some of the information we provide. We also have FREE courses on offer for anyone who would like to try out our flexible learning program.
“The analogy of the fern on our logo simplifies heritage, family, perseverance, determination and triumph” ~ FSI
Again, fee free to ask questions by filling out the form below.
You can APPLY ONLINE or download the FSI 2019 Online Application Form and email it to us;
74283333 | 78283333
f: www.facebook.com/fsistudy
Alternatively, you can fill up the Contact Form below and we will send you all information immediately.